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Kaitlyn Leeb net worth Kaitlyn Leeb is worth the net worth of 2 million U.S. Dollars and earns her income from endorsements for brands as well as acting, among other things. Kaitlyns average monthly earnings range between $30000 to $42000 U.S. Dollars. Kaitlyn began her career as a fashion model and was employed by brands for advertising. Instagram Journey: Kaitlyn shares photos of her daily life, movies as well as other photos in her Instagram page. She currently has over 75k followers. She started her Instagram account in the month of August, 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb Families Ted Leeb has been Kaitlyn Leeb's husband for over 10 years and they have two children Avery Elizabeth Leeb on August 5, 2016, and Presley Leeb to be born in 2020.

Kayla Maisonet was born in New York. She is well-known in the US as the character Georgie Diaz in the Disney TV sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Her family relocated to New York to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career. As a child, she longed to pursue a career as an actor. She became an avid Disney Channel fan and eventually was inspired to pursue acting. She began acting in her elementary school years, and she continued performing as she grew older. She started off-Broadway and was very popular in Los Angeles theatre circles. She was a regular role in the Disney 2012 series Dog with a Blog. The Haunted Hathaways is her second appearance. In 2016, she was able to land her first major role of the career in The Disney sitcom Stuck in the Middle where she played Georgie Diaz. Kayla and the show was a huge hit. The role she played in the show Dog with a Blog earned her the Young Artist Award.

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